A glimpse into the love, lives and laughter that make my world go 'round!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

She's Got CATtitude

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Whose the most ornery cat of all?

She has grey fur, green eyes captivating

Be on your toes, wicked presence awaiting.

No love does she want, independance is better,

By herself, she loves best, obscurement she'd rather.

I love her, I do, she's my favorite cat,

I hold her and squeeeeeeze her, my playful attack.

She swats and she hisses

No sweet kitty kisses

She's sassy and moody

Aloof, dark and broody.

But when least expected, we're blessed with her presence

Her hiding place voided, she makes an appearance.

She finds me and loves me, so sweet and so cuddly

My Phoebe, my darling, my best napping buddy.

Mama Kat's Writers Workshop:

Prompt #2 - Write a poem for your furry friend.
BTW....follow me and I'll follow you! Thanks for visiting & leaving a comment.



Melissa B. said...

Just adorable! I've got a tribute to my cat posted, too!

An Acquired Taste

Amanda said...

Awww how adorable :) I wish my boyfriend liked cats so we could have one!!!

Kristina Churchill said...

How cute your writing is, Fresh and Fun! I have a tribute to my dog #50.

As always,


I will follow your blog. Have a great day!

Jada Rocks said...

This is so fun....I used to have a cat just like this. Mazzy Star, she would climb up the back of my legs every time I would walk away from her...ouch.

now following.

Jennifer said...

Love the poem! Love the photo and the look of contempt in her eyes while you take the picture. And mostly, I'm LMBO because this made me think of that conversation we had about cats last week! Ha!

Booyah's Momma said...

I've read several poems this morning, but this is the first about a cat. I have a tabby, too... horray for felines! Especially the types with cattitude.

The Ninja said...

Great poem for your kitty!!

Anonymous said...

She's cute! I love your poem.. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It's lovely to meet you, looking forward to reading more of your posts so I can get to know you better.

KatBouska said...

Hahaha...but she's so pretty!!

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

Amazing Poem! Really amazing. and you captured the essence of cat so well :)
My mom and I were just comparing cat colors to personality. The tortoise shell cats we've had act like Pheobe. The grey Tabby woth white markings are alwayyyys sweet. The grey Tabbies are feisty but loving. I've had numerous cats and really thing their "type" has to do with personality.

Jen said...

That was really good. Cute poem and so much like my cat.